Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving to all you soldiers, all over the world.
Thank you for all that you do...we wish we were all together.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The New York Police Department deployed extra officers and stepped up security measures in the subways and other mass-transit stations on Wednesday after learning of al Qaeda discussions to coordinate a wave of explosions in the subway system over the holidays, the authorities announced.
These plans were undeveloped and had only reached “the aspirational stage,” Paul J. Browne, the chief spokesman for the police department, said in a statement.
The city has learned of other plots to attack the subways, including one uncovered in 2005 that resulted in one of the more pronounced terror-prevention efforts the city has mounted since 9/11. While that plan was far along enough to prompt the Homeland Security Department to raise the nation’s threat level, the latest plot is apparently so rudimentary that it has not prompted the federal government to make any changes.
Mr. Browne that the city was responding out of “an abundance of caution.”
“It is not uncommon for the department to receive threat information and to adjust our resources accordingly,” he said.
The intelligence that led to the warnings was included in an internal FBI memo obtained by the Associated Press. The memo said that the agency had received a “plausible but unsubstantiated” report that in late September, members of al Qaeda discussed the possibility of enlisting suicide bombers or detonating explosives in transit systems in the New York area.
“We have no specific details to confirm that this plot has developed beyond aspirational planning, but we are issuing this warning out of concern that such an attack could possibly be conducted during the forthcoming holiday season,” the report said, according to the Associated Press.
Jeremy Soffin, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, said the agency was aware of the report and was working with the authorities to increase the police presence in the transit system.
The agency, he said, is “always on a heightened state of readiness during this season.”
Terrorists have frequently targeted mass transit systems. In March of 2004, 191 people were killed in Madrid when a Qaeda-inspired terror cell detonated ten bombs on four commuter trains. A year later, four suicide bombers with links to al Qaeda killed 52 people when they detonated bombs on a bus and three underground trains in London.
The plot against the New York subway system that was uncovered in September 2005 was hatched in Iraq, apparently by three men who had undergone terrorist training in explosives. Law enforcement officials said that the plan involved setting off 19 bombs on various trains. Federal and city officials took the threat seriously and responded quickly with extra security.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
oooohhhhh, like he gives a crap...
The imams called the recorded comments from al Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri, "an insult" from people who have "historically been disconnected from the African-American community generally and Muslim African-Americans in particular."
"We find it insulting when anyone speaks for our community instead of giving us the dignity and the honor of speaking for ourselves," they said in a statement read during a news conference at the Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial, Educational and Cultural Center.
Yeah, you're insulted, too bad. He is part of your religion and you just got called to the mat. Where was the outrage when Dicky Do there talked shit about Bush...that's right, there was no outrage but NOW he is talking down to "YOUR BOY" and that makes you mad...TOO BAD. Take you bat and ball and go the fuck home.
The rest of the article is ...
If WE as a nation we smart, we would kill all of you that study/live by the Koran, it is hate speech more than it is a religion...Wright?
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
GOD Almighty...go let your cat outside, so it can shit in my bushes...but don't cry when it doesn't come home!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
How long until...
The move comes after the FDA last week ordered Chinese food products to be stopped at the U.S border until testing proves they are free of melamine, a chemical added to baby formula earlier this year that sickened thousands of Chinese infants.
Read the rest here... !
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Are YOU a binge drinker?
Read the rest of this article...WOW !
Monday, November 17, 2008
This is what happens when you give the ignorant...
I had to come back and give a little narrative to those that might not understand what I meant. YOU are Phil and Barry is Daniel. See if you can follow along.
I will be glad to record history when the shit hits the fan for Pres- Elect Obama's minions...Wright?
Another great perk of being Pro-Union...Wright???
Posted: 4:45 am
November 17, 2008
A well-known attorney involved in a battle for leadership of the Bronx Democratic Party used a bogus firefighter placard to park illegally, The Post has learned.
Lawyer Stanley Schlein was spotted parked in a crosswalk outside the Bronx Supreme Courthouse twice earlier this month, with a Uniformed Firefighters Association placard displayed on his dashboard, according to photos obtained by The Post.
He got away with the infraction once, but a source close to Schlein said the lawyer ended up receiving a $115 violation during one of the courthouse visits.
The placard reads "Active Firefighter," but Schlein is not a firefighter. He received it from a friend at the union because "he is a strong supporter of the UFA," the source said, declining to be identified.
I'm about ready to blow up...Wright?

If this talk about bailing out the BIG 3. Obama used the unions to get elected, so you KNOW he has to do something...instead of letting them file bankruptcy and re=organizing like any other big company HAS TO!
Just Say No to BAILOUTS ! How many others are already asking for help...LOTS. Home Builders are now companies, families that are behind...just a short list.
A word tot he wise, if YOU know of someone facing financial problems with either their vehicle or house, please make sure to get in contact with the person/company holding the deed. They are out there to help, not just close your house up and kick you out. They (companies like Fannie and Freddie and Countrywide) lose over $40,000 per house right off the get-go. They would rather see you stay in your house with up to 6 months off of payments (then a MUCH lower interest rate for up to 5 years, then a slight bump up) to catch up with other bills, than kick you out and you and they lose. Trust me...this is my main line of income now.
WOW...get yours NOW !
It sure was nice of the producers to include some non African Americans in the ad. I love the smile the father has when looking at this wonderful plate.
Super NEW foods...
You can thank me later.
Saturday, November 15, 2008

"I will eat this like I will eat the souls of ALL those White Racists that had not voted for Obama...Wright"
Not really his quote but to hell with him. Pony up, big boy, pony up !
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The majority has spoken...,0,7887437.story
"But the demonstrations also have raised questions about whether the in-your-face approach will alienate voters, who may be asked one day to approve gay marriage. Twice in the last eight years, voters have rejected it."
So, not one but twice they are told NO and now they think it is cool to riot?
Bring in the National Guard...Wright?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
It's not the 3 AM phone call, but it sure ain't gonna help US...
That sure is a lot of extra money that we don't seem to have...Wright?
Nothing SHADY going on here...Wright?
For example, there was Friday night's announcement by Minneapolis's director of elections that she'd forgotten to count 32 absentee ballots in her car.
Mr. Ritchie is also an ally of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or Acorn, of fraudulent voter-registration fame.
or, if you wish you can read the whole article here...
Harvest Always Comes...
“Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant” (Galatians 6:7, NLT).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Have you ever looked at a large, old tree and wondered how long it has been there? It’s amazing to think that, at one point, that gigantic tree was merely a tiny seed.
In the same way, our words and actions are seeds; and we will always reap a harvest on what we sow. What are you sowing into the lives around you? What are you sowing into your future? Are you sowing encouragement, hope, blessing, love? Then that’s what you’ll reap in the future. But if you’ve been sowing criticism, judgment, and anger, you’re probably already reaping a bad harvest. It’s time to start changing your seed.
Pray and ask God to help you uproot those negative seeds and begin to sow good seeds for your future. Keep the light of God’s Word shining on your seed by speaking His Word. Allow the refreshing water of His Spirit to pour over you. Keep planting those good seeds of faith because soon you’ll see growth and enjoy the harvest of blessing God promises.
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, I choose to guard my heart and plant good seeds for my future. Help me, by Your Spirit, to say and do things that honor You. Use me for Your glory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Of course HE wants to help his buddies...
Remember, he is ALL FOR unions, hell, even teachers unions...Wright?
OH NO, she mentioned GOD...
What are we going to do, she can't use that word. Where does she think she, that's Wright, GOD is not welcome in our schools.
Fuzzy gets Bitch Slapped...
Dr. Jeremy I presume, coming out of womb so new, into the new days sun. What did you find there, did you stop a while and stare, did you meet anyone...
Fuzzy Bunny gets his "basement" mention at the 9:21 mark...funny that Sarah nails him. Why didn't YOU just ask her Jer?...Wright?
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Newt Gingrich on the Future, the GOP and Sarah Palin
Newt Gingrich on the Future, the GOP and Sarah Palin | |||
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I sure HOPE to see some CHANGE. If it comes down to nothing new or good happening, his legacy will NOT go beyond being the first "African American" elected President...although why he considers himself anything else besides an American first baffles me. His parents aren't both black, so why the label. I guess he sees it differently and I don't understand how the world can label him either.
I guess being an American isn't good enough...Wright?
Did you know...
Have YOU been there? Or are you of the belief because YOU think the war was wrong, you choose to ignore the soldiers that have died? Did YOU know that the youngest soldier killed in Vietnam was 15...yep, 15. He has altered his birth certificate and was sent to war just after he turned 15, was shot and killed.
But YOU probably don't give a damn about those kids or the men that returned, only to be spit upon by a gutless, faceless nation of ignorant pigs.
I would love to see YOU spit on someone in front of me, I would go to jail and you would need to see a dentist.
Unity, YOU see, is a lie to democRATS. YOU unite only when YOU think YOU need something. Pres. Elect Obama wants the Republicans and DemocRATS to unite to pass ANOTHER stimulus package. Why not UNITE and get a job instead of waiting on government to help your sorry ass. There is A LOT of work out there...and it pays well. I offered to get YOU a job, but no one has asked me how yet.
If you are unskilled, then YOU are stupid. High school gave YOU the oppurtunity to learn a trade. Why did YOU waste that effort.
I have been through tougher times than most of you and YOU sit there and expect the government to cover YOUR lazy ass.
Pres. Elect Obama needs a nation of workers, not whiners. He cannot come to your house and clean up the lead based paint or watch your kids, or lower your rent. Why in the world would you have 5 kids anyway, because YOU can? Bullshit, you had 5 kids because you were irresponsible...plain and simple. Condoms, birth control or swalowing would have prevented that. Abstance also works. YOU don't want YOUR children to be burdened with a MISTAKE, do you? Hell, Mr. Obama doesn't, but that didn't stop YOU from bringing in 5 lives into this world and now YOU expct our President to help YOU out. YOU are ridiculous...Wright?!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
what a bunch of bitches...

McLame is a fool and I'm glad he didn't win if this is how he acts. Shame on those whiny little assholes that are starting rumors about or next President !
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
So, day 2 and the WORLD hasn't responded
If nothing else, Pres- Elect Obama can say he had to take over a huge hole. But can you really blame Bush when they had control of Congress and REFUSE to pass an energy Bill or anything worth while in the last years?
The Dems want another stimulus package for "US" but I didn't benefit from the first one. We lost over $100,000 in the restaurant and because I didn't take a penny out, I didn't pay taxes last year. Funny, if you don't pay taxes, you don't get a check, but we did invest alot of money into the economy...all for not.
I can't wait to see what this CHANGE is all about. Hopefully I will still have a job when it happens, although with Pres. Obama giving delinquent homeowners 3 months off without payments, I will probably lose my job. I wonder who is going to keep the banks fluid while everyone blows that money somewhere else.