Saturday, November 22, 2008

oooohhhhh, like he gives a crap...

what YOU have to say. Amazing that people actually think radicals give a flying rats ass what they think about on...

The imams called the recorded comments from al Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri, "an insult" from people who have "historically been disconnected from the African-American community generally and Muslim African-Americans in particular."

"We find it insulting when anyone speaks for our community instead of giving us the dignity and the honor of speaking for ourselves," they said in a statement read during a news conference at the Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial, Educational and Cultural Center.

Yeah, you're insulted, too bad. He is part of your religion and you just got called to the mat. Where was the outrage when Dicky Do there talked shit about Bush...that's right, there was no outrage but NOW he is talking down to "YOUR BOY" and that makes you mad...TOO BAD. Take you bat and ball and go the fuck home.

The rest of the article is ...

If WE as a nation we smart, we would kill all of you that study/live by the Koran, it is hate speech more than it is a religion...Wright?

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