If this talk about bailing out the BIG 3. Obama used the unions to get elected, so you KNOW he has to do something...instead of letting them file bankruptcy and re=organizing like any other big company HAS TO!
Just Say No to BAILOUTS ! How many others are already asking for help...LOTS. Home Builders are now asking...mortgage companies, families that are behind...just a short list.
A word tot he wise, if YOU know of someone facing financial problems with either their vehicle or house, please make sure to get in contact with the person/company holding the deed. They are out there to help, not just close your house up and kick you out. They (companies like Fannie and Freddie and Countrywide) lose over $40,000 per house right off the get-go. They would rather see you stay in your house with up to 6 months off of payments (then a MUCH lower interest rate for up to 5 years, then a slight bump up) to catch up with other bills, than kick you out and you and they lose. Trust me...this is my main line of income now.
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